The Interactive Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Outstanding Performance : An Analytical Study of the Opinions of A Sample of Employees in the Diwan of the Directorate of Education in Dhi Qar
Interactive Organisational Culture, Organisational Commitment, Outstanding PerformanceAbstract
This study sought to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which is preparing a
theoretical framework for the research variables through which it clarifies the role of interactive
organisational culture and its impact on the relationship between organisational commitment and
outstanding performance, building a hypothetical model between the study variables and
explaining the effect between these variables, identifying the impact of organisational culture
dimensions on exceptional performance, determining the effect of organizational commitment on
outstanding performance. The study used statistical tools to analyse and process data and
information, including the (SPSS) program and the questionnaire. The study community was
adopted, represented by (Dhi Qar Directorate Office). The study sample was all employees in the
Dhi Qar Education Directorate Office, where the sample numbers were (1200) and (290) were
distributed using the Morcan model. The total number of valid questionnaires for analysis was
(257) questionnaires.
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