The Role of Learning Motivation in Mediating the Influence of Self-Regulated Learning and Peer Social Support on Academic Burnout in Grade XI Boarding School Students at Madrasah Aliyah, Sleman Regency
Academic Burnout, Peer Social Support, Self Regulated LearningAbstract
Academic burnout is common among students, especially students who attend boarding schools. Academic burnout is a situation experienced by students due to excessive academic demands and a feeling of no longer being able to accept academic tasks, characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, cynicism, and decreased academic confidence. This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of self-regulated learning on learning motivation; (2) the effect of peer support on learning motivation; (3) the effect of self-regulated learning on academic burnout; (4) the effect of peer social support on academic burnout; (5) the effect of learning motivation on academic burnout; (6) the effect of self-regulated learning on academic burnout through learning motivation; (7) the effect of peer social support on academic burnout through learning motivation of class XI boarding school students at Madrasah Aliyah, Sleman Regency.This study is a causal associative study with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were 1,023 students of class XI boarding school at Madrasah Aliyah Sleman Regency in 2024 with a sample of 287 students determined by the two-stage random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and then processed using path analysis.The results of the study show that: (1) self-regulated learning has a significant positive effect on learning motivation; (2) peer social support has a significant positive effect on learning motivation; (3) self-regulated learning does not have an effect on academic burnout; (4) peer social support has a negative effect on academic burnout; (5) learning motivation has a negative effect on academic burnout; (6) self-regulated learning has a negative effect on academic burnout through learning motivation; (7) peer social support has a negative effect on academic burnout through learning motivation.
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