Application Of Balanced Scorecard As A Benchmark For Performance Assessment In Service Companies
Case Study At PT. Mitra Intertrans Forwarding Surabaya Branch
Implementation, Balanced Scorecard, Performance AssessmentAbstract
This research aims to analyze the internal and external environment of PT MIF Surabaya, namely to find out what factors are the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as knowing the opportunities and threats faced by the company and formulating the best and most suitable marketing strategy for PT MIF Surabaya by taking into account internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (threats and opportunities) to face business competition in the field of Domestic Forwarding and Logistics. One of PT Meratus Line's strategies in developing market penetration in Indonesia is through the formation of PT MIF which was determined by the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No.C2.734.HT.01.01 – 1991 dated March 6 1991, and published in Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 26 dated March 3 1992. During this period, it caused quite a lot of concern for other Forwarding Companies which had become Meratus Line customers. With commitment and proof from the Meratus Group that MIF is not permitted to compete for customers from Forwarding Companies that use Meratus Line services, PT MIF has succeeded in becoming "sales" or an extension of Meratus Line in bringing closer the relationship between Meratus Line and end customers. With the support of PT Meratus Line as a holding company engaged in inter-island shipping and has experience since 1957, PT MIF concentrates its business on shipping cargo expeditions. PT MIF Surabaya's strengths are intensive Research and Development, marketing growth, Brand Image, consumer satisfaction and market share as well as large and well-trained human resources
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