Literature Review : The Effect of Forensic Audit, Internal Control, Whistleblowing System, Good Corporate Governance, and Organizational Culture on Fraud Prevention
Corporate Culture Organization, Forensic Audit, Fraud, Good Corporate Governance, Internal Control, Whistleblowing SystemAbstract
Focus study This is how forensic audits , internal control , whistleblowing systems , good corporate governance (GCG), and culture organization have an impact on fraud prevention in a organization . Fraud is problem big that can cause loss financial big and destructive reputation company . Research this , based on review comprehensive literature , finding that forensic audits are very helpful prevent fraud . Forensic audit use the intended technique For detect fraud . Good internal controls are also important. For build a system that can supervise and manage source Power organization with good , reduce possibility fraud . In addition , the whistleblowing system is considered as tool important For prevent fraud because allows people to report Allegation violation without worry will consequence negative . The study also found that culture strong organization can help prevent fraud with create environment work that is moral and transparent . Many studies show that positive culture can increase awareness and compliance to policy fraud prevention . As a result , research This suggest that the organization minimize fraud risk with implementing forensic audits , strong internal controls , and a culture of good organization . The result will become more organization healthy , transparent and accountable .
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